Angelyn Tabalba

U.S. Congressman Steven Horsford, State Officials & Clean Energy Champions Highlight How Federal Funding Is Creating a More Prosperous Clean Energy Future for Disadvantaged Communities

Speakers called on federal officials to oppose any attempts to reduce investments in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) created by the Inflation Reduction Act

Las Vegas, NV – Today, public officials and clean energy leaders convened a press conference to highlight how the Solar for All program, a component of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), a historic $27 billion investment to combat the climate crisis, is making a positive impact on Las Vegas communities that have historically been left behind. They emphasized the need to guard against attempts to eliminate these investments.

“Protecting the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund funding is critical for ensuring that our communities have access to capital for projects that reduce pollution and lower household energy bills. With over $150 million in grant funding, Solar for All will provide badly needed financial and technical assistance to working families and disadvantaged communities in Nevada. This means nothing less than transforming the solar market and creating economic opportunities for communities throughout Southern Nevada,” said Congressman Steven Horsford (NV-04).

The Solar for All program, established under President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), aims to expand access to solar energy in low-income and disadvantaged communities. The Nevada Clean Energy Fund will receive $156,120,000 to enable these communities in Nevada to deploy and benefit from solar energy. This funding will lower energy bills, reduce pollution, increase power resiliency, invest in local businesses, and create quality jobs.

“The Solar for All program is not just about addressing climate change; it’s about creating a healthier, more equitable future for our constituents by preparing our communities for heat waves and other extreme weather,” stated Senator Dallas Harris (District 11). “Solar is one of the most rapidly growing sources of energy in the country, and Nevada is on track to lead in this clean energy economy.”

More than two-thirds of all GGRF funding will go to projects in communities that often struggle to access capital for projects that reduce pollution and lower household energy bills, including communities of color and low-income, disadvantaged, rural, Tribal, and energy transition communities. In Nevada, this includes significant investments in solar energy projects aimed at reducing energy costs and improving air quality in underserved areas.

“Every Nevadan, regardless of their background or income, deserves access to clean, affordable energy,” said Dillon Livae, Media Manager of the Nevada Conservation League. “The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and Solar for All grants will expand clean energy access across Nevada, prioritizing low-income and disadvantaged communities that face higher energy burdens. This crucial funding will improve air quality and provide much-needed relief from high energy costs, ensuring no community is left behind in the clean energy revolution.”

While the EPA is moving the ball forward, the program is still under threat from opponents who are putting polluters over people and gambling with jobs, our economic future, and our health. Speakers highlighted how rolling back components of the Solar for All program would rob communities of cleaner air and water and drive more pollution into communities already struggling with the negative health consequences of dirty energy.

“This historic funding will make solar energy accessible to those who need it most,” said Will Pregman, Program Manager, Nevada Clean Energy Fund (NCEF). “As a recipient of the EPA’s Solar for All grant, NCEF is eager to put these funds to use to launch programs that provide rebates and financing for rooftop solar on single-family homes, affordable multifamily housing, and community solar projects. This funding means the ability to create work opportunities for local contractor businesses and reduce utility bills for Nevada households statewide. These programs and this funding are essential to reducing the financial and market barriers that prevent low-income households from accessing necessary energy savings through solar.”

Please find a full recording of the event HERE.


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