Now that the 2017 Legislative Session is underway the 4 caucuses of the legislature have all released their plans for Nevada.
The good news is that 3 of the 4 agendas contain clean energy priorities. The Senate and Assembly Democrats have made the issue central to their economic development agenda in their Blueprint calling for Nevada to be a leader in Clean Energy by expanding our renewable portfolio standard and promoting energy efficiency, energy storage, and community solar. Senate Republicans have also called for green energy solutions and expanding rooftop solar in Nevada. Only the Assembly Republicans have left clean energy off their list of priorities.
Public lands don’t have as much support across the board. The Senate and Assembly Democrats have made ensuring access to our lands for hiking, fishing, camping, and hunting is protected and keeping our public lands in public hands part of their agenda. Unfortunately, the agendas of Senate and Assembly republicans don’t share that view. The Senate and Assembly GOP agenda calls for a costly transfer of public lands to the state and private holders.

Other issues can be found throughout the agenda, but these are two of the biggest for the conservation community. Here are links to the agendas. Take a look and be sure to call your legislators and tell them what you think.