Camalot Todd

Progressive Groups React Ahead of Trump’s Visit to Las Vegas This Weekend

LAS VEGAS, NV – Multiple organizations and leaders came together today to discuss former President Donald Trump’s upcoming visit to Las Vegas. This visit is Trump’s first Nevada campaign stop since being convicted of 34 felonies by a New York jury last week. Groups spoke about the impact of these convictions amidst Trump’s visit this weekend. 

“In light of Donald Trump’s visit this weekend, Nevadans will see mobile billboards highlighting his horrific stance on abortion and reproductive health,” said Shelbie Swartz, Executive Director of Battle Born Progress. Swartz also announced that Battle Born Progress has paid for a mobile billboard to drive the perimeter of Sunset Park on Sunday, with two graphics around Trump’s abortion stance and his 34 felony convictions. “Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for President this year. Despite his convictions, rhetoric and actions, he is poised to take the nomination. Now more than ever it is crucial that Nevadans acknowledge the very real threat he poses. From tax cuts for the wealthy to abortion restrictions, the future with Trump at the helm is not bright for the majority of Americans. Not to mention the repeated attempts by Trump and others to overturn the 2020 Election and lead an insurrection on our Nation’s Capitol. These efforts demonstrate Trump’s willingness to throw care to the side and serve himself. We need a leader who will prioritize middle and working-class people who are feeling the brunt of economic pain. President Biden has fought to lower inflation, reign in prescription drug costs and reform the student loan process. All of these efforts were focused on assisting regular people in their fight to get ahead. The dog and pony show that Trump and company are putting on will not solve our economic issues nor will it improve the state of our Nation.”


“Over 100 environmental protections were rolled back during the first Trump presidency, during which he weaponized COVID-19 to allow corporations a free pass to violate clean air and water laws and denied climate science,” said Angelyn Tabalba, consultant for Nevada Conservation League on the Clean Energy Plan. “If re-elected, Trump promised to gut climate and public health protections and eliminate the Clean Energy Plan to serve oil companies at the cost of our health and financial well-being. The last Trump presidency cost Nevadans enough. We can’t afford another under a now convicted felon.”


“Former President Trump’s rally in Las Vegas this weekend is a stark reminder of just how important the elections this fall are,” said Alexa Solis, Deputy Director, of Planned Parenthood Votes Nevada. “When it comes to abortion rights and reproductive health care, there are now generations of women, trans and nonbinary people whose right to access basic, life-saving abortion care is now being denied when only two years ago that care was federally protected by Roe v. Wade. All because of Trump’s actions as president. And his legacy of anti-abortion and reproductive health policies continues to grow. Just yesterday, the Senate voted on a bill that would protect access to contraception at the national level, but Republicans blocked that bill from passing. We are grateful that Nevada Senators Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen upheld our Nevada values and voted to protect contraceptive access. But it is beyond clear that we must continue to ensure that Nevada’s elected representatives continue to fight against the anti-abortion and reproductive care extremists in Congress and uphold our right to make our own health care decisions free from interference from government officials.”


“Americans barely survived one Trump regime. He is a clear and present danger to our nation. When Trump doesn’t get what he wants, he spreads blatant lies, fuels dangerous disinformation, and made unprecedented attempts to steal the 2020 Presidential Election,” said Taylor Patterson, Executive Director of Native Voters Alliance Nevada. “His conviction of 34 felonies is a testament to his disregard for the law and our democratic principles. Trump’s actions have sown division, incited violence, and empowered extremist groups, making everyday life more dangerous for all of us. His erratic foreign policy decisions have jeopardized our safety, alienated our allies, and increased global tensions. The economic pain, social unrest, and instability he brings threaten the daily lives of American families. Donald Trump plays fast and loose with our democracy and our safety; he cannot be trusted by the American people. Trump has shown us time and time again that he is not putting Americans first.” 


“Regardless of income, gender, race, sexuality, or zip code, we all deserve to live in a Nevada that puts people and planet first… Trump has a history of showing his disregard to his own tenants and low income families…,” said Justin Guzman, Campaign Coordinator of PLAN Action Fund. “We can only expect the worst from a second Trump administration, that is hell bent on separating our families, cutting taxes for billionaires and corporations, and attacking our right to vote… The politics of Trump have no place in Nevada. This election, voters have a choice: vote for candidates who want to see people thrive, not just survive, or vote for candidates who will take the country backwards and empower a xenophobic, wannabe dictator who has tried to overthrow our democracy.” 


“Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy, our environment, and our public health. Despite extreme temperatures in Las Vegas that reached 111 degrees this week, Trump has repeatedly called climate change a ‘hoax’ and promised oil executives he would roll back President Biden’s environmental regulations in exchange for a $1 billion campaign donation,” said Assemblyman Howard Watts III. “Time and time again, we see that Trump’s corrupt actions prioritize profits over people, while Joe Biden stands up for the greater good. Donald Trump is wrong for Nevada.”



About Battle Born Progress: Battle Born Progress, through strategic communication efforts, empowers, engages and mobilizes Nevada voters to build a state where everyone has a fair opportunity to succeed. We support, engage, and mobilize the progressive community through bold leadership, strategic communications, accountability, and education. We are on the cutting edge of new media and are the go-to source for progressive issues and advocacy for traditional media. Learn more at

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